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Welcome To Kasatu Atmosphere

Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government and home communications, and Cisco Internet Protocol-based (IP) networking solutions are the foundation of these networks. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals, companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. The Cisco name has become synonymous with the Internet, as well as with the productivity improvements that Internet business solutions provide. At Cisco, our vision is to change the way people work, live, play and learn.

Cisco was founded in 1984 by a group of computer scientists from Stanford University.

Cisco was incorporated on December 10, 1984 in California.

Corporate Headquarters:
San Jose, California, USA
Worldwide Locations

Wiwin Wijaya......
Under one of these Site,That's a good idea to Service or Upgrade your PC. to check out the PC. And give you a solution,by your choice.
Give information about a new product of my business offers.I could also teach you about what on in your PC . We could discuss with the costumer of a recent Servation.
CISCO is The best way... that you can ejoy surfing,playing, working etc.


Hendry ......
Another idea for my site is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site.


Phone Call : (021) 8774-0005 ,Jakarta.
Mobile: 0856-7887748 ,

I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages.

Copy right (c) Kasatu 2002

Click here to: www.cisco.com

"Use Cisco Product For your Network"
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